Does social media benefit school sponsorship?


school social media marketing

You bet it will!

With over 7.7 billion people in the world, more than 2.9 billion of these people have active a Facebook page.

That’s nearly 40% of the entire world population logging into Facebook each and every day.

A key to attracting potential sponsors to engage with your school community is defining your reach and impact.

Social media can provide valuable statistics to help quantify this.

Examples of statistics that can be gathered include:

  • Facebook followers
  • Instagram followers
  • YouTube subscribers
  • Facebook video views
  • Facebook post likes
  • Social Media Insights to define content strategy
  • Demographic Data

In a recent survey, we discovered:

  • 10 of the largest schools in Queensland have 5000+ Facebook followers
  • 50% of 20 of the largest Queensland schools use Twitter to engage with their community
  • 57% of the 7 largest schools in Queensland have a YouTube channel
  • 100% of the 40 largest schools in Queensland have 1000+ Facebook followers

What a great opportunity for these schools to take advantage of!

Did you know Sponsorship Ready supports schools in professional development and capacity building in social media marketing?

Why not check out our Capacity Building & Professional Development program that’s tailored to your school and features free templates and platforms to create social media content that performs.